I give you my Love. My Love I give to you.
I am Loving Presence, being loving. I am awake, alert, alive and present for the exquisite nature of the Divine to use me, to be playful with me, and to engage in the possibilities and potentialities that are uniquely qualified to receive me and to be received by me. This is holy and good. This is the nature of the Divine. This is the Infinite Mind knowing Itself, and I am that. In this beautiful expression of I am, there is nothing separate, there is nothing to other. There is only One and that One is the life that is living me, breathing me, moving me, molding me.
#SMT #spiritualpractice #openmind #consciousness #wholeness #Oneness #spiritualattunement #1loveawakening #radicallyjoyful #RANT #radicallyaffirmativenewthought